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What are marketing trends?

Marketing trends are changes or developments in the marketing industry that become increasingly popular. For example, a popular trend on social media could involve creating 30-second videos of people making funny content using a product. Consumers usually gravitate towards trends so they don't miss out on new products in the market.

What is a trend in business?

In the world of business, a trend is a pattern of gradual change in a process, output, or condition. It is an average or general tendency. If I say: “There has been a trend towards shorter-term mortgages,” it means more people are now taking shorter-term mortgages. In other words, there has been a tendency towards shorter-term mortgages.

How do market trends affect your business?

Each trend will affect your organization in various ways so you want to be sure to look at the trends that are relevant, and consider more than one trend. Let's look at three trends up close and see how they can affect your business. When you conduct a market trend analysis you want to consider the needs and interests of your consumers.

What is a trend in social media?

A trend is a general direction into which something is changing, developing, or veering toward. The term may also mean a fashion or craze, i.e., a fad. The verb ‘to trend’ means to develop or change in a general direction. In the world of social media, if something trends it is the topic of many posts.

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